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《中国电源博览》12月份目录摘要 (2008-1-8 22:20:32)
01 行业要闻
01 Industrial News
01 加强技术支撑  发挥综合实力
Strengthening technical support exertion combined strength
02 我国稳步推进电子环保法规的实施
China steady advance the implementation of electronic environmental regulations
23  新能源车标准1月1日正式实施
23  The energy car standard November 1carries out formally
03  市场策略
03  Market Tactic
03 国际竞争法基本问题初探
The fundamental issues of International competition law
07  市场动态
07  Market Trends
07  伊顿新增小功率系统部门 扩大电能质量业务
ETN new low-power systems unit to expand power quality business
08  北京莱姆参与举办电力电子器件创新技术解决方案研讨会
Beijing LEM involved in the organization of power electronic devices innovative technology solutions seminar
09  安富利电子元件部在《信息周刊》年度中国商业科技100强企业榜中排名第7位
Avnet Electronics Marketing in the "Information Weekly" annual China Business Technology 100 companies range No. 7
10  安森美半导体推出新的晶闸管浪涌保护器件系列
ON Semiconductor introduced a new series of thyristor surge protection device
11  APC-MGE中标中国电力投资集团河南分公司
APC - MGE successful hit by China Power Investment Group Henan branch
12  伊顿电气荣获2007年Frost & Sullivan 亚太地区电能质量供应商年度奖
Eaton Electric won the 2007 Frost & Sullivan Asia-Pacific region for power quality supplier award
13  技术研究与应用
13  Technology Besearch and Application
13  开关电源功率器件热设计
Switching power supply design
17  适用于带开关电源电焊机的现代IGBT封装概念
Switching power supply applicable to welding machine with the modern concept of IGBT Packaging
20  实例RIGOL开关电源测试
Examples RIGOL switching power supply test
24  双端拓扑与仿电流感测信号技术在宽或高输入范围DC/DC降压系统中的应用
Double-topology and electric current-like measurement signal or high technology in wide input range DC / DC buck System
29  三相无源PFC电路的仿真研究
The three-phase passive PFC circuit simulation study
34  基于移相调功串联谐振逆变器的动态模型的研究
Based on the shift-phase power series resonant inverter model of the dynamic
38  功率模块中传感器的应用
Power modules in the application of sensor
41  软起动控制
Soft Start control
44  二次后稳压集成电路
Second after regulator IC
47  新型建筑节能照明电源的控制技术及应用
New construction of energy-efficient lighting power control technology and its application
51  LED恒流驱动与不同控制模式的比较
The difference between LED constant current drive and the comparison control modes
53  基于LNK302/LNK304-306离线转换器的非隔离电源及恒流LED驱动器
Based on LNK302/LNK304-306 off-line converters, the non-isolated power supply and constant current LED driver
56  变频器用电解电容器的性能分析
Electrolytic capacitor converter with the Performance Analysis
62  电化学电容器的新型炭电极材料——纳米孔玻态炭
A new electro chemical capacitors carbon electrode material - nami-holes glassy carbon
68  电子设备避雷器的重要性及选择标准
The importance and selection criteria of electronic equipment arrester
71  R型变压器容量与温升的关系
The relationship of R-type transformer capacity between temperature rise
75  业界风采
75  Indudtry demeanor
75  根植中国   大树常青
Evergreen trees rooted China
77  开拓进取  立足中国
Pioneering based China
80  展会讯息
80 Exhibition Information
80  韩国展团集体亮相上海亚洲电子展
South Korean delegations appearance in Shanghai Asian Electronics exhibition
81  节约您身边的每一度电——节能降耗严苛挑战下的电源管理专题研讨会在上海举办
Save the electricity - under saving energy challenges the power management symposium held in Shanghai
81  《中国电源博览》亮相第七十届中国电子展
"China Power supply survey" has appearance the 70th session of China Electronics exhibition
82  经营启示
82  Manage Revelation
82  做财富的创造者
Do the creators of wealth

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