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【供应】 模具监视器
公司名称: 深圳市精浦科技有限公司
产品数量: 1000
价格说明: 0
有 效 期: 六个月
在线咨询 会员在线咨询,免费获取《电气自动化简讯》双月刊
深圳市精浦科技有限公司 黄景远
办公地址: 深圳市南山区桃园路
邮  编: 518057
传  真: 0755-86062046
移动电话: 18820464628
电  话: 0755-86199805
E-MAIL: 2331328478@qq.com
公司主页: http://www.kingpool.net

    Mold monitor is a a stable plastic injection mold protection device by using advanced machine vision processing algorithms,PC, camera and light source together. It aims at and checks various possible problems arising from production process including products’ non-peeling off, product withdrawal due to non-resumption of thimble, product sliding and residue which cause mold crushing and damage, therefore, it can play a role in protecting mold from these problems, ensuring the continuity of production.
    • Production inspection after the completion of die sinking: inspect the burrs, defects and the like of the product, solve the problem of continuous occurrence of defective products of the die, help the timely process modification, and improve the quality of products;
    • Inspect the color of the products with mixed color or multiple colors: prevent the losses caused by uneven blending and the like;
    • Inspect the position of slider and thimble: prevent the damage of the die caused in the die assembly process;
    • Inspect the shedding condition of the product: inspect the residues remained on the die before the die assembly carried out with an injection molding machine;
    Inspect the fracture or the blockage of pitched roof of the thimble;
    Reduce the unnecessary movement of ejection;
    Inspect whether the plug-in board is placed well or in place;
    Automatically reinspect the emergency exit;
    Inspect the foreign matters within the die;

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